Duration : 2 to 3 months
2 Hours a Day | 3 Days a Week
Diploma of Completion

Amazon Web Service's Training Course

Animeria AWS Certification Course is designed by industry professionals as per the industry requirements and demands. This AWS Training will help you prepare for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam SAA-C02 With Animeria's instructor-led sessions, you will be able to effectively architect and deploy secure and robust applications using AWS. Animeria AWS training course will helps you to identify the appropriate AWS service based on databases, network, storage, cost optimization, compute, and security requirements.

Why you should go for AWS Certification Course?

  • Gartner predicts the worldwide public cloud service market will grow from $182.4B in 2018 to $331.2B in 2022, attaining a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.6% - Forbes.com
  • AWS Certification is rated as one of the most lucrative cloud certifications in IT globally - Global Knowledge Study
  • The average salary for "AWS cloud solution architect" ranges from approximately $76,039 per year for Technical Specialist to $139,550 per year for Software Architect – Indeed.com

AWS Course Module's

Introduction to AWS

  • Classic Data Center
  • Virtualization
  • Cloud and Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Computing Service Models
  • Cloud Computing Deployment Models
  • Service Comparison: AWS, Azure, and GCP 
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) and its Benefits
  • AWS Global Infrastructure
  • AWS Regions and Replication of data between the Regions
  • Availability Zones and High Availability
  • AWS Edge Location 
  • Different Amazon Web Services
  • Ways to access AWS: CLI, Console, and SDKs

After Completing this Module, you'll be able to :

  • Understand different classic data center elements
  • Know need of virtualization
  • Define Cloud Computing
  • Categorize different Cloud Computing Service and Deployment models
  • Describe AWS Global Infrastructure
  • Categorise Services available in AWS
  • Work with CLI and Management Console

Experience on :

  • Sign-up for AWS free-tier account
  • Explore Console and Configure CLI
  • Security Management in AWS

User management through Identity Access Management 

  • Various access policies across AWS Services
  • Security Token Services
  • AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM), 
  • AWS Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • AWS Cognito
  • AWS Security & Encryption: KMS, CloudHSM, Shield, WAF, Guard Duty
  • API keys service access
  • Best practices for IAM
  • Access billing and create alerts on billing

After Completing this Module, you'll be able to :

  • Work with IAM Service 
  • Manage IAM Components
  • Recognize the Best Practices of IAM
  • Manage the keys using KMS
  • Access and create alerts on billing

Experience On:

  • Create new users who can login to AWS console
  • Create role for an application to access S3
  • Create policies for new user to have either admin or limited privileges
  • Configuring Strong and Secure Authentication Access Mechanism using Amazon Cognito
  • Configure WAF to Protect Website from Attacks 
  • Monitoring Malicious Activity or Unauthorized Behaviour via GuardDuty
  • Object Storage Option

Traditional Storage

  • Need to Move to Cloud Storage
  • Traditional vs. Cloud Storage Cost
  • Cloud Storage
  • Different Storage Options Available on AWS
  • Simple Storage Service (S3) and Its Components
  • Working of S3
  • Difference Between S3, EBS and EFS
  • Bucket Policy
  • Access Control List(ACL)
  • Versioning
  • Cross-Region Replication (CRR) and Its Use Case
  • Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration
  • Choice of Storage Classes on S3
  • Lifecycle Policy of S3 Bucket
  • CDN: CloudFront  and AWS Global Accelerator
  • Storage Gateways

After Completing this Module, you'll be able to :

  • Understand Traditional Storage
  • Work with Amazon S3
  • Know the benefits of using Amazon Glacier
  • Work with CloudFront
  • Get an overview of Snowball 
  • Understand the concepts of Storage Gateway

Experience On:

  • Hosting a Static Website on Amazon S3 
  • Versioning in AWS S3
  • Replicating data across regions
  • Transfer and retrieve data from Glacier through lifecycle policy
  • Direct Data Migration to Amazon S3 Glacier Vault via AWS CLI
  • Accessing a static website through CloudFront
  • File Share via AWS Storage Gateway

Amazon EC2

  • Virtualization
  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Its Benefits
  • Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
  • Security Groups in AWS
  • Authentication through Key-pair
  • Hardware Tenancy – Shared vs. Dedicated
  • Networking Layer in EC2: VPC
  • Elastic Network Interface (ENI) and Its Attributes
  • Different Categories of IP Address
  • Public IP vs. Elastic IP
  • Instance Store
  • Elastic Block Store (EBS), Its Features and Volume Types
  • Solid State Drive: General Purpose SSD and Provisioned IOPS
  • Hard Disk Drive: Throughput Optimized HDD and Cold HDD
  • Snapshots
  • Elastic File System (EFS) and Its Features
  • EBS vs. EFS
  • Amazon FSx: Windows File Server and Lustre

After Completing this Module, you'll be able to :

  • Understand Virtualization 
  • Work with EC2
  • Understand Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
  • Describe Security Groups, Key-pairs and Tenancy
  • Differentiate between elastic IP and public IP
  • Analyze various EC2 box configurations available
  • Categorize different storage options associated with EC2 instance 

Experience on :

  • Host your website inside EC2
  • Create an AMI
  • Create an Elastic IP
  • Attaching an EBS volume externally
  • To create a snapshot
  • Mount EFS volumes
  • Mount FSx into Windows Servers and Share the File

AWS Load Balancing, Autoscaling and Route 53

  • Elastic Load Balancer and its types
  • Advanced features of ELB
  • Launch Templates
  • Launch Configurations
  • Comparison of Classic, Network and Application Load Balancer 
  • Auto-Scaling 
  • Components of Auto-Scaling 
  • Lifecycle of Auto-Scaling
  • Auto-Scaling policy
  • Working of Route 53
  • Various Routing Policies

After Completing this Module, you'll be able to :

  • Instrument various Load Balancers 
  • Setup Auto-Scaling
  • Specify components and policies of Auto-Scaling
  • Hosting Domains using Route 53

Experience on :

  • Create a Classic Load Balancer
  • Create a Network Load Balancer
  • Work with Application Load Balancer and Auto-Scaling
  • Auto-Scaling and Scaling policy
  • Maintaining the User Experience with Low Latency Using Route 53 Traffic Flow Feature

Database Service and Analytics

  • Amazon RDS and its benefits
  • Read Replica
  • RDS IAM Authentication 
  • DynamoDB
  • ElastiCache: Working, Redis vs Memcached
  • Amazon RedShift
  • Kinesis: AWS Kinesis Data Streams, AWS Kinesis Data Firehouse
  • AWS Lake Formation
  • AWS Athena

After Completing this Module, you'll be able to :

  • Classify different AWS database services
  • Understand the working of RDS
  • Describe Aurora
  • Perform CRUD operations on DynamoDB
  • Implement ElastiCache
  • Understand Amazon RedShift
  • Work with Kinesis

Experience On:

  • Storing an application data in MySQL DB using Relational Database Service (RDS)
  • Creating Tables, loading sample data and running queries
  • Cache the static and frequently accessed application data in the memory using Amazon ElastiCache 
  • Moving an Airline data From S3 to AWS Redshift and Query the data via Redshift Editor 
  • Design Solution using Amazon Kinesis Data Steam, Kinesis Firehose, Kinesis Analytics

Networking and Monitoring Service's

  • VPC – Benefits and Components
  • CIDR Notations
  • Network Access Control List v/s Security Groups 
  • NAT (Network Address Translation): NAT Devices, NAT Gateway and NAT instance
  • VPC peering
  • Direct Connect
  • Private Link 
  • AWS CloudWatch
  • AWS CloudTrail 
  • AWS Config
  • Trusted Advisor

After Completing this Module, you'll be able to :

  • Understand Subnet, Subnet Mask, benefits of VPC and its components
  • Differentiate between Default and Non-Default VPC
  • Create VPC Wizard Scenarios for VPC
  • Understand the VPN and Direct Connect
  • Schedule CloudTrail
  • Monitor other services using CloudWatch
  • Understand Trusted Advisor

Experience on :

  • Create a Non-default VPC and attach it to an EC2 instance
  • Accessing Internet inside Private Subnet using NAT Gateway
  • Connect two instances in different VPC’s using VPC peering
  • Monitoring Application Metrics Using CloudWatch Dashboard
  • Auditing Amazon Cloud Services via AWS CloudTrail
  • Explore Trusted Advisor
  • Accessing Application within two VPCs (Different Accounts) connected via Private link

Application Services and AWS Lambda

  • AWS Simple Email Service (SES)
  • Implement SES
  • Demonstrate the working of SNS
  • SQS: Work with SQS, ASG with SQS
  • Amazon MQ
  • Amazon Event Bridge
  • AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS)
  • AWS Simple Work Flow (SWF)
  • AWS Lambda 
  • AWS Serverless Application Model

After Completing this Module, you'll be able to :

  • Implement SES
  • Demonstrate the working of SNS
  • Work with SQS
  • Understand SWF
  • AWS Lambda: Working

Experience on :

  • Send an Email(SES) on addition of user data(Lambda) in the DynamoDB Table. 
  • Monitor status of EC2 instance using combination of EventBridge and SNS. 
  • Manage tightly coupled architecture using Amazon SQS.
  • Create workflows using AWS Step Functions to coordinate application logic across distributed systems.

Configuaration Management and Automation

  • Infrastructure as Code
  • CloudFormation and its components
  • Templates in CloudFormation
  • Stack in CloudFormation
  • Resource deletion policies in CloudFormation
  • Introduction to AWS OpsWorks 
  • AWS OpsWorks services
  • Components of  AWS OpsWorks Stack
  • OpsWorks Lifecycle Events and Deployment Commands 
  • OpsWorks for Chef Automate
  • AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise
  • Auto Healing
  • Elastic Beanstalk
  • Components of Elastic Beanstalk
  • Beanstalk v/s OpsWorks v/s CloudFormation

After Completing this module, Candidate will able to :

  • Implement CloudFormation 
  • Work with AWS OpsWorks services
  • Understand AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate, Stack and Puppet Enterprises 
  • Demonstrate Beanstalk 
  • Differentiate between CloudFormation, OpsWorks and Beanstalk

Experience on :

  • Create Cloud Formation templates using both JSON and YMAL
  • AWS OpsWorks Stack
  • Deploy a Web Application with DynamoDB using Beanstalk

Migration to AWS

  • Why Cloud Migration
  • What is Cloud Migration
  • Migration Phases
  • CAF Perspectives and their Roles
  • AWS Migration Hub and ways to use AWS Migration Hub
  • Roles and Permissions for AWS Migration Hub
  • AWS Migration Hub use cases
  • AWS Application Discovery Service
  • Application Discovery Tools
  • Application Migration to AWS
  • Application Migration Phases
  • Virtual Machines migration ways
  • AWS Server Migration Service(SMS) and its working
  • Database Migration Implementation steps
  • Working of DMS
  • AWS Database Migration use cases
  • Types of data transfer: Homogenous and Heterogenous
  • Database Schema Migration tool
  • Database Migration best practices

After Completing this module, Candidate will able to :

  • Understand the need for Cloud Migration 
  • Figure out the benefits of opting AWS for Cloud Migration
  • Plan Migration 
  • Select appropriate migration strategy as per business necessities
  • Understand CAF Perspectives
  • Track Migration using AWS Migration Hub
  • Discover on-premises data using AWS Application Discovery
  • Perform server migration using AWS SMS
  • Plan and implement Database Migration

Experience On :

  • Gather Details of Migrating Resource via Application Discovery Service and track the migration via AWS Migration Hub.
  • Migrating 3-tier Application to AWS Cloud
  • Homogenous Database Migration
  • Heterogeneous Database Migration

AWS Architectural Design I

  • AWS Well-Architected Framework
  • How to Build Well Architected Framework
  • Pillars of AWS Well-Architected Framework
  • Resilience
  • Design Highly Available and/or Fault-Tolerant Architectures
  • Choose Appropriate Resilient Storage
  • Designing Decoupling Mechanisms Using AWS Services
  • Design a Multi-tier Architecture Solution
  • Disaster Recovery (DR)
  • Options to Implement DR Plans
  • Design High-Performance Architecture
  • Achieve Performance Efficiency using Selection
  • Achieve Performance Efficiency using Review
  • Achieve Performance Efficiency by Monitoring
  • Achieve Performance Efficiency by Performing Trade-offs

After Completing this module you will be able to:

  • Design Resilient Architecture in AWS
  • Design Highly Available and/or Fault-Tolerant Architectures
  • Design Decoupling Mechanisms using AWS Services
  • Choose Appropriate Resilient Storage
  • Design Multi-Tier Architecture in AWS
  • Design High-Performance Architecture in AWS

Experience on:

  • Designing a Website using Server less Architecture

AWS Architectural Design II

  • Design Secure Applications and Architectures
  • Cloud Security
  • IAM
  • How IAM Secures your Resources
  • Identity and Federation
  • Shared Responsibility Model
  • Shared Responsibility Model for Infrastructure Services
  • Shared Responsibility Model for Container Services
  • Shared Responsibility Model for Abstraction Services
  • Network Security Layer
  • Multi-Layer Architecture With Network Security 
  • AWS HSM and its working
  • AWS S3 Security
  • AWS Security and Compliance Centre
  • Design Cost-Optimized Architectures
  • Cost Optimization
  • Cost Optimization Design Principles
  • Cost Effective Resources

After Completing this module you will be able to:

  • Secure Applications and Architectures
  • Design Cost-Optimized Architectures
  • Refer and Understand the White Papers

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Certification Exam Preparation



  • 2 to 3 months
  • 2 Hours a Day | 3 Days a Week
  • Assignments materials have been brilliantly designed by AWS Experts, covering primary, intermediate and advanced level evaluations.
  • Live Projects (Individual and Group) with hands on experience on real time problem solving techniques.
  • Assignments materials have been brilliantly designed by AWS Experts, covering primary, intermediate and advanced level evaluations.
  • Every students will get Company Exposure at Expert Level during the course.
  • After the completion of this course you will be eligible to have Animeria's Certification.

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Well Today I'm gonna share my experience with Animeria. I was a student of Financial Accounting quite sometime back. I had completed my course in January 2021 and also get my certification and placement done. In the lockdown period Animeria provide me the classroom training at that pandemic. I really appreciate their efforts. Teacher was also brilliant and experienced.

Rigzin Angmo
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I am in Indian army and was not in touch from last five years about my CS acquirements...and m looking for brush up my knowledge and with the help of someone's reference i joined animeria...faculty, facilities, way of teaching everything is just phenomenal.

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